Associate Pastor

Name of church/institution: 
Christ Lutheran Church

Christ Lutheran Church of Baltimore, Maryland, is seeking to call an associate pastor who is not only a dynamic preacher but also a teacher for adults, youth, and children, guiding us in deepening our faith in Christ and supporting us in receiving the sacraments of baptism and communion.”

This is a Call to a full-time, comprehensive ordained pastoral ministry. In consultation and coordination with the Lead Pastor and, when and whereas appropriate with the Congregation Council, the Associate Pastor will share in all of the usual pastoral activities: presiding and preaching at Services; attending staff and committee meetings; visiting the sick and grieving; participating in congregational planning and program evaluation, etc. However, his/her primary role will focus on working with youth, developing and overseeing programs for them that strengthen their Christian faith and active participation in the life and work of the Church, including Confirmation instruction, ͞retreats, etc., and on and leading programs and activities which attract and retain participation by younger adults and families in the life and work of the Church in the congregation and beyond.

Baltimore, MD
Further contact information 
Potential candidates can apply by sending their resume to or to the lead pastor
Type of Position: 
Time Span of Position: 
Documents related to the position