Programs of Study

Yale Divinity School offers several programs in professional theological education. Each is designed with a threefold intent: (1) to foster and demand serious consideration by students of the essential historical substance of Christian faith and tradition; (2) to explore ways of thinking sensitively and constructively about theological issues and the practical, moral, social, and ecclesiastical problems of today’s world; and (3) to provide training and experience promoting the development of effective leadership in the Christian community for the well-being of the persons and societies it serves. Toward these ends a range of opportunities is made available—through instruction, study and research, worship, community-wide reflection, field placements, and informal contacts—to encourage the personal, intellectual, religious, and vocational maturity of each student.

In its programs of study, YDS takes seriously the diversity of its student body. Differences in preparation for theological education are met by flexible curricular requirements to permit students to work at levels commensurate with their individual achievements and capabilities. Differences in interests are met by the breadth and depth of curricular offerings provided in the School and through other branches of Yale University. Differences in vocational clarity and goals are met by the diversity of curricular options, by exposure to a wide variety of possibilities in field education, and by numerous opportunities to supplement formal programs with noncurricular resources and activities.

Program for the M.DIV. Degree

The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church. Degree requirements can be found in the Bulletin. (link is external)

Program for the M.A.R. Degree

The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described in the Bulletin. (link is external)

Program for the S.T.M. Degree

Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.

For comprehensive information on the degree programs please see the Divinity School Bulletin - Degree Requirements. (link is external)

–updated June 15, 2022


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