Yale Divinity School follows the University’s policy that governs any case in which a student has a complaint, including but not limited to a complaint of sexual harassment or a complaint of discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, or sexual orientation, against a member of the faculty or administration of the complainant’s School. Since an instructor’s evaluation of the quality of a student’s work is final, this procedure does not apply in any dispute about a grade assigned to a student by a member of the faculty, unless it is alleged that the determination of the grade resulted from discrimination as described above. Similarly, this procedure does not apply to any matter inherent in the academic freedom of an instructor, such as, for example, in regard to the syllabus or contents of a course of instruction. It is also not a procedure that may be used when there is a complaint about the quality of a course or the quality of instruction in a course; such concerns may be addressed directly to the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The policy and procedure can be found at https://equalopportunity.yale.edu/complaint-procedures.
Complaints of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, may be brought to a Title IX coordinator (for inquiries or informal resolution) or to the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (for formal resolution). For more information on the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC), see Resources on Sexual Misconduct in the chapter Yale University Resources and Services. UWC procedures can be found at https://uwc.yale.edu.