YDS 200: Reflecting on our Past, Imagining our Future
Editor’s note: The following is an archive of the communication announcing our 2022-23 Bicentennial observance. Enjoy this photographic look-back at the events and festivities held during our Bicentennial year.
In 1822, YDS became a distinct school at a growing Yale, setting us on a course toward becoming the school we are today. During the 2022-23 academic year, from Opening Convocation through Commencement, we are reflecting on and celebrating our history. Janus-like, we are looking toward the future in addition to looking back. Indeed, the theme, chosen by a Bicentennial planning committee comprising alumni, students, faculty, and staff, is “YDS 200: Reflecting on our Past, Imagining our Future.”
There is a great deal to look forward to in the coming months, including the debut of a new hymn composed for the Bicentennial, a YDS history book, a special issue of Reflections, exhibits on YDS history, a conference on theology at YDS past and present, and a special Fall Convocation designed for more interaction between students and alums. Several special lectures as well as our annual named lectures will contribute to the Bicentennial celebration.
LEARN MORE: A brief history of Yale Divinity School
So much has happened, and so much has been accomplished, in our two centuries as a school at Yale. But our conversations about the future are, to me, the most exciting part of the Bicentennial. The story of Yale Divinity School is still being written and will continue to be written for generations to come.
—Gregory E. Sterling, Dean
Bicentennial Events
Fall 2022
- August 30, Opening Convocation
- Debut of a newly commissioned hymn
- Address by President Peter Salovey
- Reception in the Refectory and Common Room
- October 12-15, Fall Convocation
- October 12, Ensign Lecture, Scott Thumma, Hartford International University
- October 13-15, Beecher Lectures, Eunjoo Mary Kim, Vanderbilt Divinity School
- Event to celebrate the publication of the new YDS history book, “This Grand Errand”: A Bicentennial History of Yale Divinity School
- Berkeley Divinity School celebration of 50 years at Yale and YDS
- Panel on the future of theological education
- Lecture by William Barber II, Repairers of the Breach and Poor People’s Campaign
- “Theology at YDS: A Bicentennial Retrospective”
“Fostering the Knowledge and Love of God”: Special Bicentennial episode of the Center for Faith & Culture podcast featuring YDS professors and alums who have appeared in the series
- October 27-28, Conference, “Generous Orthodoxy: Hans Frei and the Future of Theology,” Drew Collins and Ben Fulford, cochairs
- Publication of The Origin of the Theological School of Yale College, 1822: A Bicentennial Publication
- Publication of special issue of Reflections journal, “Audacious Odysseys: Charting the Future of Theological Education”
Spring 2023
- January 20, Celebration of Andover Newton’s affiliation in Marquand Chapel
- Lunch in the Old Refectory and Common Room
- January 31, Sorensen Lecture by Jason McLennan, founder of the Living Building Challenge and consultant to YDS Living Village project
- February 24, Parks-King Lecture
- February 28, Portrait unveiling
- March - June, Biblical Scholarship at YDS: A Bicentennial Retrospective exhibit (pdf) in the Yale Divinity School Library.
- March 6, Bartlett Lecture
- alumni panel on China and global Christianity
- April 10-12, Shaffer Lecture
- Library exhibit on the history of scriptural study at Yale Divinity School
- April 20-21, Conference on “Moral Theory and the Trinity”
- April 27, Plaque dedication, Bicentennial celebration concert by Dwight Andrews & band: View photos
- April 28, Community celebration picnic
- Publication of special issue of Reflections journal, “ ‘The Future of God’ ”: In Pursuit of the Divine”
- May, Sarah Smith Gallery: Exhibition on history of Marquand Chapel
- May, Commencement
Note: For more information email Tom Krattenmaker, Director of Communications.
The Origin of the Theological School at Yale College
As part of the observation of the 200th anniversary of Yale Divinity School, the YDS 200 Committee presents two documents that tell the story of the Divinity School’s founding in 1822 in the words of those who were there. Download the publication.